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Dr. Sugeng Mashudi, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes

Jl. Budi Utomo 10 Ponorogo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia


: Dr. Sugeng Mashudi, M.Kes
: 0731038002
: 0000-0003-3049-7014
: 57192302206
Tempat dan tanggal lahir
: Nganjuk, 31 Maret 1980
: Islam
Golongan / Pangkat
: III.C / Penata
Jabatan Akademik
: Lektor
Perguruan Tinggi
: Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
: Jl Budi Utomo 10 Ponorogo
: 081803173855
Alamat e-mail

Tahun Lulus

Program Pendidikan (diploma, sarjana, magister, spesialis, dan doctor

Perguruan Tinggi

Jurusan/ Bidang Studi



Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Kedokteran keluarga



Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR)

Kesehatan Masyarakat

Bidang Pendidikan


Keperawatan Jiwa

Kompetensi perawat menfokuskan pada teori dan asuhan keperawatan Jiwa. Asuhan keperawatan jiwa sebagai bentuk pelayanan profesional yang merupakan bagian integral dari pelayanan kesehatan, Apliaksi teori perilaku manusia sebagai ilmunya dan penggunaan diri sendiri secara terapeutik sebagai kiatnya.


Eviden Based Nursing

Keperawatan Berbasis Bukti secara sistematis mencari berbagai jurnal perawatan kesehatan internasional yang menerapkan kriteria ketat untuk validitas penelitian dan relevansi dengan praktik keperawatan terbaik. Konten dinilai secara kritis dan artikel yang paling relevan diringkas menjadi komentar ahli yang ringkas, dengan fokus pada temuan kunci makalah dan implikasinya untuk praktik keperawatan.


Filsafat Keperawatan

Membangu Alur Berfikir Ilmiah yang Logis untuk mengkritisi berbagai fenomena perkembangan Kesehatan sehingga mampu memberikan solusi yang konstruktif. Filsafat sebagai pengetahuan dan penyelidikan dengan berbekal akal budi mengenai sebab-sebab, asas-asas hukum dan sebagainya daripada segala yang ada dalam alam semesta ataupun mengetahui kebenaran dan arti “adanya” sesuatu.


Proses Keperawatan

Sebuah metodyang digunakan oleh perawat berdasarkan pemikiran yang sistematis, berpusat pada pasien, dan berorientasi pada tujuan yang menyediakan kerangka kerja dalam praktik keperawatan.

Bidang Penelitian

The Burden in Providing Caregiving Service to Mentally Illed Patients in Ponorogo

Sugeng Mashudi, Ah Yusuf, Rika Subarniati Triyoga, Kusnanto Kusnanto, Muhammad Suhron

Introduction: The provision of caregiving to patients with a mental illness are under the burden of continuous and difficult processes. Some factors are responsible for this burden and the determination of these factors will help to address it. The objective of this study is to investigate the caregiver burden of patients with mental illness in Ponorogo.

Method: Sixty-seven caregivers of patients with mental illness in Paringan village were included in the study. Socio demographic data, level of knowledge about mental disorders and caregivers burden were measured and observed.

Results: The socio-demographic variables show the average age of the respondents to be 50.0597, 57% of caregivers are women, as much as 100% caregiver Javanese, 37% of the caregivers are farmers, and 54% of these caregivers only have elementary school education. Total caregiver burden shows a mean of 23.28 (SD = 9.224). Findings on the level of burden of these caregivers revealed that 18 respondents were on the light burden level, the intermediate burden level had 4 respondents, while the level that did not experience any burden had 45 respondents. Caregiver burden was positively correlated with the age of caregivers (p = 0.000), employment of caregivers (p = 0.001), and level of education (p = 0.000).

Recommendation: Since these caregivers who care for people with mental disorders showed a higher financial burden compared with other types of caregiver burden, these findings suggest that a model of nursing intervention is needed to prevent the occurrence of a community-based caregiver load increase.


Family Coping Strategies to Improve the Health of Family Members Living with Schizophrenia

Sugeng Mashudi, Ah. Yusuf

Introduction: Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness that affects the thinking, emotions, relationships, and decision-making. One of the positive effects of treating schizophrenia in patients is family health. The family welfare management strategies provide help for coping, care preparation, organizing meetings, and mentoring. This study focuses on family coping strategies for improving the health of members living with schizophrenia.

Methods: A cross-sectional design was used by choosing 160 respondents randomly. The inclusion criteria were family members accompanying control schizophrenia patients to the Public Health Center, with a minimum age of 18. The independent variable was family coping, which consist of two sub-variables (problem-focused coping mechanism and emotion-focused coping mechanism), while the dependent variable was family health, which consists of three sub-variables (efficient, satisfaction, and happiness). The SMART PLS (2.0 Version) was used to prove the impact of the variables.

Results: The results indicated that family coping had a significant impact on the health of the family. The hypothesis was taken from the value of the T-test on the structural model analysis, which shows T- statistics (13.966) > T-critical (1.96). The impact of family coping on the health is equal to 0.682 (OR). This means that if family coping is given one-unit value, it will increase the family health by 0.682 times.

Conclusion: The implementation of the family coping strategy will improve the capacity of the family to clarify health issues encountered, resolve family behaviors effectively and minimize risk factors.


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